So I've decided to run a half marathon. Yes, I'm insane. After college, I had this idea that I would be super fit and run all the time. I knew I'd want a way to still compete, and since volleyball was over, I'd take up running. I didn't become that girl exactly, but the thought never left. Since then, running a half has been on my bucket list, so I figured this year would be the time to do it before I start getting old and broken and full of children.
At the beginning of the summer, I found a 10-week half marathon training plan that I liked and decided to get running. The only prerequisite to the plan was that you had to be able to run 3 miles or 30 minutes comfortably as a result of training for 4-5 weeks prior. Well, I hadn't "trained" consistently for 5 weeks, but I was in decent enough shape that I could run 3 miles without dying. So I figured, what the hay? I did get a little nervous when it had me running 6 miles within the first week, but I survived.
The first few weeks went along swimmingly. I was getting up early-ish, getting my miles in, eating healthier, and feeling good. Thankfully, the abundant shade along my route kept me slightly cooler than boiling. I've had to get a little creative to work in some water breaks along the way. Now, I'm on week 7, and the miles keep accumulating. Yesterday, I ran my first 10 miler. A question I've heard and something I have often wondered of other runners is what goes through your head when you run that far? Well, folks, let me just tell you.
67 thoughts that flash like popcorn in my head during a ten mile run:
1. MILE 1: Ugh geez, no one will know if I just shorten today's run to one mile, right?
2. Why do my legs already hurt?
3. Am I going too fast? That runner's world article said my mile pace should be about 2 minutes slower than my normal pace.
4. 9:54. I guess that's OK. I hope I don't crap out later.
5. Why is my nose running?
6. MILE 2: Alright, this is kinda nice. Taking things slow is working.
7. Ah trees, you are like a giant natural umbrella. Just keep blocking that sun.
8. I'll just settle in and sing along with my worship tunes.
9. This down hill part makes me feel like I'm flying! But don't worry runner's world, I still feel slow...
10. MILE 3: OK hills, don't you know I have 10 MILES! You're gonna have to lighten up..
11. Don't look at me like that, Mr. Driver in your little air conditioned Honda, it is perfectly normal and not at all gross that I am blowing my nose in my sweat-soaked shirt.
12. Slightly winded from those freaking mountains, but we're still good everybody. Feel the burn!
13. So, I should be coming up on that water bottle I hid in the grass sometime soon...
14. I hope no one was trying to "help the environment" and threw it away.
15. Oh no, what if it's not there?
16. What if I can't find it?
17. I'm gonna die.
18. It's OK. I hid another one around mile 6. I can make it.
19. But what if that's gone?
20. WATER!!! Yay! It's still here.
21. Remember runner's world? You said it's OK to take walk breaks.
22. Everything is better with water.
23. Get on my head, ice cold water!
24. Alright MILE 4, I'll start running now.
25. I really hate running with the water bottle.
26. I'll just chug it and be done.
27. Ugh... crap. Water logged.
28. Alright, everybody, we're doing good. Let's settle in - nice steady pace.
29. I feel a little slower, but I'm still running!
30. I will not walk. I will not walk. I will not walk.
31. 5 MILES DONE!! Half way there..
32. Trees? Shade? Where did you go? I thought you had my back...
33. Ughghghgh. My body is bouncing.
34. Good pace. I'm still alive.
35. It's kinda hot.
36. 6 miles! I'm cruising.
37. Almost to water.
38. I hope it's still there.
39. Crap, where is it?
40. Why does my nose keep running?
41. WATER!!
42. And walk break. Water, get on my head!
43. Here we go again. Water is so refreshing!
43. Just 3.5 miles left? I've run that before. I got this.
44. Oh no, more hills.
45. Jesus, please get me through this run. Grant me strength.
46. Legs, don't wimp out on me, you are almost over this mountain... Oh it doesn't end!
47. It's the climb! - Miley get out of here!
48. Oh downhill, how happy I am to see you!
49. But not for long.
50. And back up.
51. 8 MILES down?! Pssh. 2 more miles - that's nothing!
52. Let's pick it up legs. That's right.
53. Look who's beastin' it up this hill! Thanks for the energy, Jesus!
54. The faster I run, the faster I get WATER!!
55. Yes! One more mile! Easy peasy.
56. Uh... legs? What happened? We're not done.
57. You will not quit. You will not quit. You will not quit.
58. Still a half mile...
59. This is the end... of my life.
60. My feet are tingling... is that normal?
61. I can feel my body dying a little at a time.
62. Don't quit. Don't quit. Don't quit.
63. One foot... in front of... the other...
64. God? Is that you calling me home?
65. Time: 1 hour 54 minutes 18 seconds. Distance: 10 miles.
66. AHHH!! What just happened? Do I get water now?
67. But my legs don't work.
The important thing is I finished, and I'm not gonna lie; I feel pretty proud of myself. You never know what you can do until you do it. For this reason, I love running. I love that it gives me an outlet to break down walls. It's never easy, but everyday I feel myself getting stronger. I start out every run praising God for giving me the physical and mental ability to push through pain and finish the run. In just a few weeks, I'll be testing new boundaries of physical exertion, but I fully trust that my Creator will pull me to the finish line just as He has in every other run.
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